Dont say yes if you dont mean it, dont say no if you do,lie forbidden and lie should be forgotten.

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Night With Alcohol

It's been a long time that I have stayed at home without doing anything just sitting, playing games and just doing barely nothing. My cousin Charmaine decided to hang out tonight, I've thought that this gonna be a great chance for me to hang out and to see my old friends again and even my enemies. 

We've arrive in Jansar Resto bar an undisputed bar in our place at exactly 8pm, for us its just too early to begin to drink because usually we drink at exaclty past 9 or up to 11pm to start drinking in the said resto. The friend of my cousin is already there waiting outside the bar, she's waiting there for a while for us and we owe her an apology. Together we go upstairs to drink because the two entertainer gays started to do their part to make the costumers happy as always. Our table is on the 2nd table after the huge speakers, unfortunately the music there is too loud for us to hear. We've always wanted a better table that night but the long night had past, 8 songs have sang and the customer parallel to us decide to go home, we have accommodated their sits 'til the last hour. Its about 10pm I've saw my old friends arriving but before that I'd gotten my ass on the stage singing one of my favorite songs "Fall For You" by Secondhand Serenade the crowd was astonished and they cant barely shout. The hosts didn't bother to interview me at all for I knew them already, usually they make fun with the customers whose gonna be singing on stage.

In the disco time where it's already 12 in the midnight my two cousins Charmaine and Aina together with they're friend Jesa Garcia decided to dance on the dance floor, I'm left alone at our table, I've called my former classmate Don to accompany me for awhile and we have a short conversation and he left immediately to go back to his table, that time I'm left alone watching my cousins dancing at the stage with a couple of guys together with 'em, it doesn't matter they're happy anyway. I felt so uncomfortable for it's been a long time I didn't drink. We have decided to go home as early as 1:30am, usually before we got our asses go back home at 3-4am together, but that's just a history, I cant sustain drinking with long hours anymore, my body has given up to say yes always with alcohol, it's a good thing anyway.

Generally, it's a  fun night with common friends and people I knew, I didn't have any regrets at all for it was a happy night indeed! I cant say that I'm gonna go back again with that addicting place, all I can say is I'm happy in that very moment of my life, it's a  long tiring night I have to sleep, but my mind  says I should not supposed to, I'm gonna share my story to you guys. This is all I can say, have a wonderful early morning and have a nice day ahead, good morning to you and good night for me!


  1. wow cuz, you can comment now, know what when Im making this post, I cant barely see any letters when I'm typing. After I publish it I immediately swim to bed. ^_^
