Dont say yes if you dont mean it, dont say no if you do,lie forbidden and lie should be forgotten.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Amazing Photos

What if all trees looks the same as this, is there be an illegal logging?

I wish this house strengthen its foundation

Majestic sculptures.

A vase tree.

3D work of art

Want to have bungee jumping here.

Surfing dolphins.

Tree of hope.

I wont get tired of watching this natural scenario.

What if you'll gonna jump here, what will happen to you?

Made by a precious hand.

Bended coconut tree.

A hot road to take.

A nature spot in the middle of a city.

A paper castle made by a genius. So magical.

A house on the top of a stone.

Nerve wracking man, facing his way to death.

Sidewalk art gallery.

A bed of blooming sunflowers.

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