Dont say yes if you dont mean it, dont say no if you do,lie forbidden and lie should be forgotten.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cityville by Zynga

CityVille by Zynga

             This blog will show you guides and secrets how to play the game to the fullest that will bring your playful thoughts to almost satisfaction. Before going to the main topic lets have a brief recap.

             The author of this addictive game is “Tony ‘T Dub’ Sanders” which is famous of publisher for Zynga already know the taste of its player for he is not a newbie of publishing game because he authored this game after the nerve wracking and famous game, the FarmVille. After its released which is on November 08, 2010 (quite new) CityVille blooms a massive number of playing populations just like The Farmville. Enough for the background now let's move to the most awaited part of this blog, the secrets will be revealed now.

           There are a lot of book guides and websites that offers helpful tips for making The City of Your Dream works but why waste time for registrations, spend money for the guide and clicking so much links? Well in fact you can see it all here in this blog. First thing's first, I guess you know the basic of the game right? you know already how to build, how to plot, hot to work the farming, collect rent and etc. This guide will just show you helpful advance and intermediate level tips. Ready?

Useful tips are not sorted accordingly for I know all of 'em are useful.
Tip #1: What Zynga would like you to do, of course to invite more neighbors! Is this necessary for the mechanics of the game? It's a headache but yes, it is very useful, some businesses and houses requires neighbors to unlock, the reality is, the more the merrier! You're right the many neighbors, you have the better! Because it will lead you to the

Tip#2: As follow up to the above tip youre neighbor is really issential part of the game, you can earn goods, coins, energy and XP when visiting your neighbor's city.

Tip#3: How to earn popularity? Popularity means Fame, the more you use your 5 extra energy points for your neighbor the more you'll get a heart that will increase your popularity level.

Tip#4: How to earn more goods? Goods is essential on running a business, goods are use to supply your business, aside from farming which will give you goods literally after you harvested you crops, I may advice visit your neighbor's city every single day to spend your 5 extra energy points, but how to earn goods from them? It's really easy, just click on the ready to harvest crops of your neighbor and that's it you'll get extra heart and goods.

Tip#5: How to complete community buildings? Community buildings requires specific level and quest to be built and to be completed. The higher your level is, the greater chance to build more buildings.

Tip#6: Whats the use of the quest and how to find it? The quest will be found on the upper left corner of the screen which has an icon its either a cartoon's face or any picture, just click it and follow its instructions to complete, don't missed any quests, they can help.

Tip#7: What's the use of that green cash thing? Those are premium cash that helps you to purchase premium items. You can buy them through Paypal or etc. however each time you level up Cityville will add 1 extra money point for you, use it wisely and save it, you can use it to buy better stuffs later.

          CityVille follows holidays so you wont be bored during your Cityville's life. They will add new items intently for the current season. So much fun dont miss any season guys!

Okay, let's pause for awhile that's all I can give for now, just drop your comments, suggestions and questions about the game, I'm willing to help you folks. ^_^

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